PuraClean has selected for you the very best quality for the bedroom and the bathroom, respectively. Only 100% cotton, to keep coherence with our Eco involvement.
We know perfectly the textile we provide you, meaning we know also how to take care of it for a perfect result. Based on your needs, we will together evaluate the textile stock you need to run your business smoothly.
Basically, count +/- 3 sets per room;
- 1 set to have your room fully dressed up
- 1 set in stock, ready to be used at any time
- 1 soiled set in the laundry process
Providing you with the textile allows us to treat the soiled laundry by mixing all bed sheets together instead of performing the laundry by customer lot, for example.
Therefore, we run 1 cycle compared to multiple cycles for the same quantity of textile –> less water, less electricity, less gas, less workforce
All good for everyone !
By Admin